Become a partner with Choufli Taxi…
Start your business as a taxi service provider or find us the people who are interested in…

With the concept of partnership around the product of Choufli Taxi start an activity with a minimum of investment!

Please provide information about you and your business.
If you have any questions or need help, you can refer to these registration instructions or ask for assistance here.
Find answers to all your important questions
Question: Where can I start my partnership with Choufli Taxi?
Answer: You can choose from all the cities of Tunisia to start.
Question: What is the investment needed to become a partner?
Answer: The necessary investment is generally developing the city, the region, the population and other factors. You can contact our consultants to learn more.
Question: Do you offer a training support?
Answer: Yes, we provide a support and centralized training kits for the proper functioning of your agents in the field.
Question: What kind of technological assistance can I expect from Choufli Taxi?
Answer: We provide iOS / Android client / driver applications and phone support.
Question: Do you have a partnership agreement?
Answer: Yes, we have a one-year standard partnership agreement with renewable options.
Question: Who may be a franchise partner?
Answer: Anyone working as a computer consultant, marketing agent, independent sellers and even people / organizations who wish to increase their income or help other people aspiring to become entrepreneurs with our services and products.
Question: How much can I win as a franchise partner?
Answer: As a liaison partner you receive a premium for any partner adhering our concept and coming from your part.
Question: Are there any fees to become a franchise partner?
Answer: We do not call it as a fee, but rather consider this as engagement fees. It is taken according to the time and effort that the internal teams would devote to integrating yourself into our products.